要旨:健常成人94名(男性32名、女性62名、平均年齢35.4歳)に、1包中Bifidobacterium longum JBL01を包含した シームレスカプセル0.2 g(2.0×109CFU)、Lactobacillus gasseri JLG01およびEnterococcus faecium JEF01を包含したシームレスカプセル0.1 g(それぞれ5.0×108 CFU)およびオリゴ糖0.29 gを含むビフィズス菌製剤(商品名 ビフィーナR)を1日に1包、2週間摂取させた。供試試料の摂取により、便秘傾向者(排便回数が5回以下/週)群の排便回数が有意に増加し(p0.01)、排便量も増加の傾向がみられた。排便回数が週5回を越える非便秘傾向者群においても排便量の増加傾向がみられた。全群で、便の形状の改善傾向が認められたが、特に便秘傾向者群および下痢傾向者群で顕著であった。さらに、両群で、便の色の明るい色調への移行傾向が認められた。以上の結果より、本製剤の摂取は、排便回数および便性状の改善に有効であることが示唆された。
Effect of Enteric Capsules Containing Bifidobacteria and Lactic Acid Bacteria on the Fecal Properties in Healthy Volunteers
Mamiko KOHNO, Tomoe YOSHINO, Youichi MATSUURA, Masanori ASADA and Yuzo KAWAHARA
Research & Development Division, Morishita Jintan Co., Ltd.
Abstract: The effects of oral administration of enteric capsules containing Bifidobacterium longum JBL01, Lactobacillus gasseri JLG01 and Enterococcus faecium JEF01 in Bifina R on fecal properites were examined in healthy volunteers (32 men and 62 women, average age 35.4 years). A significant increase in the defecation frequency was observed in the constipated volunteer group whose initial defecation frequency was five or less times per week. In addition, the defecation quantity was increased in the consipated volunteer group. Also the increase in the defecation quantity was observed in the not-constipated volunteer group whose initial defecation frequency was more than five times per week. An improvement in the fecal shape, a change in the fecal color from dark to light color were observed after the administration in all groups. These results demonstrated that an intake of Bifina R was effective to improve intestinal properties.
Key words: Bifidobacterium longum;lactic acid bacteria;seamless enteric capsule;fecal properties
要旨:Bacillus subtilis C-3102 株大豆培養物は家畜に対し腸内菌叢改善、増体、感染防御、卵殻強化、肉質改善、便臭改善等の効果があり添加物として利用されている。B. subtilis は古くからヒトの食生活に関わる納豆菌と類似菌であり、今回はC-3102株のヒトでの効果を検証するため摂食試験を実施した。健康成人25名(25~57歳:平均年齢39.6歳、男性22名、女性3名)を対象にB. subtilis C-3102株大豆培養物錠剤(1錠あたり1×108個の胞子を含む)を12名の被験者に毎食後1錠(1日3錠)、13名の被験者に毎食後3錠(1日9錠)を約1週間投与し、簡単な2日間の食事コントロール後最初の便を採取し、腸内菌叢の検索および化学分析を行ったところ、毎食後3錠摂取群において便中腐敗産物のパラクレゾールの有意な減少(p0.001)、大腸菌群の減少傾向が観察された。便中アンモニアについては試験前高値(500 mg/g以上)だった被験者(n=2)で摂取量を問わず有意な減少が見られた(p0.005)。また便臭や排便回数の改善が見られ腸内環境に好影響を与えることが示唆された。
Effect of Bacillus subtilis C-3102 Intakes on the Composition and Metabolic Activity of Fecal Microflora of Humans
Hiromi SUZUKI,1* Junko WATABE,1 Haruo TAKEUCHI,2 Yukie TADANO,1 Shizuo MASUDA1 and Kiyoshi MARUTA1
1*R & D Center, Calpis Co., Ltd.2Social Insurance Sagamino Hospital
Abstract: Bacillus subtilis (C-3102) has been utilized as a probiotic feed additive for domestic animals. We reported that oral administration of the strain to domestic animals led improvement of intestinal bacterial microflora, better recovery from diarrhea, increment of body weight gain, amelioration of egg shell calcification and less fecal odor. We investigated here to evaluate the effects of 8 days consecutive intake of C-3102 on the composition and metabolic activity of human fecal microlora with 25 healty volunteers (from 25 to 57 years old : 22 men and 3 women with average age of 39.6 years old). Twelve volunteers, one-tablet (1T) group, were given 1 tablet of C-3102 (containing 1×108 cells of C-3102 per tablet) 3 times a day immediately after each meal, the other 13 volunteers, three-tablet (3T) group were given 3 of the tablet 3 times a day in the same manner. All volunteers had control meals for two days prior to fecal sample collection. The first stool after having the meals was collected. We studied the composition and metabolic activity of the subjects' fecal microflora. p-Cresol concentration in the feces was significantly decreased (p0.001) and numerical decrease in the number of Enterobacteriaceae was observed in 3T group after the C-3102 intake. Fecal ammonia concentration was significantly decreased (p0.05) in 12 volunteers whose ammonia concentration had been over 500 mg/g feces before C-3102 intake, independent from the C-3102 dose. The results suggest that C-3102 is effective in improving of the composition and metabolic activity of the human intestinal microflora, reducing putrefactive products and adjusting stool frequency of volunteers.
Key words: human;Bacillus substilis;fecal ammonia;putrefactive products
湯山輝彦1、高井伸二1、椿 志郎1、角 有希子2、諸富正己2
要旨:新規に開発された宿主得意的な生菌製剤を育成馬および出生直後の仔馬に臨床応用し、消化管疾病の予防・治療効果について検討するため、プラセーボをコントロールとした二重盲検臨床試験を行った。育成牧場で飼養されていたサラブレッド種1歳馬で3日以上の下痢を発症した22頭および生産牧場で生まれたサラブレッド種仔馬46頭を供試した。臨床試験に際し生菌製剤投与群(以下投与群)と対象群を同数ずつ設定し、育成馬については臨床症状の観察と短鎖脂肪酸量の測定を、仔馬については臨床症状の観察とフローラ検索を行った。育成馬では下痢発症率において6~8日目に投与群で有意に低かった。また、仔馬では3週目に投与群で有意に低かった(p0.05)。体重は21日目以降投与群において有意な高値を示し、生後3カ月の平均体重は投与群の178.4±10.2 kgに対して、対照群では164.5±10.1 kgであった(p0.01)。以上の結果、出生直後の生菌製剤投与は、下痢の予防と仔馬の成長促進に効果的であると考えられた。また、育成馬での生菌製剤投与は下痢などの消化管疾病の予防・治療に効果があると考えられた。さらに、感染症の誘発などがなかったことからこの生菌製剤の投与は安全であり副作用が全くなく、広範囲な臨床応用が可能であると思われる。
Evaluation of a Host-Specific Lactobacillus Probiotic in Training-Horses and Neonatal Foals
Teruhiko YUYAMA,1 Shinji TAKAI,1 Shirou TSUBAKI,1 Yukiko Kado2 and Masami MOROTOMI2
1Kitasato University, 2Yakult Central Institute for Microbiological Research
Abstract: To examine the prevention and medical treatment effect of gastrointestinal problems of an equine-specific Lactobacillus probiotic preparation for training-horses and foals, a randomized, placebocontorolled, double-blind clinical traial was conducted. Twenty-two thoroughbred yearings which incidence of diarrhea on the 3 days or more, reared at training pasture and 46 thoroughbred foals born at breeding farms were used in this study. The number of training-horses and foals given the probiotic (administered group) was equal to that given the placebo (control group) at each farm. Observation of clinical condition and measurement of short chain fatty acids (SCF As) on the training-horses, observation of clinical condition and microflora analysis on the foals were performed. The incidence of diarrhea was significantly lower in the administered group than in the control group between the 6th and 8th day on the training-horses. Moreover, the incidence of diarrhea was significantly lower in the third week in the administred group (p0.05) on the foals. The effect of the probiotic on the body weight of the foals was highly significant (p0.013, repeated measures ANOVA). The body weight in the administered group was significantly greater than that in the control group after the 21st day. The mean body weight was 178.4±10.2 kg in the administered group and 164.5±10.1 kg in the control group three months after birth (p0.01). These results suggest that administration of an equine-specific Lactobacillus probiotic to foals was effective in enhancing their growth and may be effective in preventing diarrhea. Moreover, it was thought that equine-specific Lactobacillus probiotic administration on the training horses had an effect on prevention and medical treatment of gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea. Furthermore, based on the additional findings that no abnormalities, including disease of the digestive organs, were found on evaluation of the clinical condition, we consider that equine-specific probio
Key words: probiotic;equine;diarrhea;Lactobacillus
堰 圭介1、中尾治彦1、海野弘之1、一色宏之1、依田伸生2、立原玲子3、大内としゑ3、猿田秀子3、鈴木邦彦3、光岡知足4
要旨:経管栄養摂取重度要介護高齢者18名(64~102歳)を対象に、新規ビフィズス菌増殖促進物質を含有するプロピオン酸菌による乳清発酵物(BGS)摂取の便通・便性・糞便細菌および腐敗産物等に及ぼす影響を検討した。試験食は凍結乾燥BGSを0.4 g含有する粉末状食品とし、毎日4週間摂取させた。その結果、試験食摂取に伴い、排便回数および排便量は有意に増加し、黒褐色便と悪臭便の割合が有意に減少した。また、2週間の試験食摂取により、糞便中のビフィズス菌の検出率は有意に増加し、ウェルシュ菌数は、100分の1に減少した。さらに、糞便中の硫化物および糞便pHは、試験食摂取後有意に低下した。以上の結果から、BGSの摂取は、経管栄養摂取重度要介護高齢者の腸内環境および、便通・便性を改善することが明らかとなった。
Effects of Fermented Milk Whey Containing Novel Bifidogenic Growth Stimulator Produced by Propionibacterium on Fecal Bacteria, Putrefactive Metabolite, Defecation Frequency and Fecal Properties in Senile Volunteers Needed Serious Nursing-Care Taking Enteral Nutrition by Tube Feeding
Keisuke SEKI,1 Haruhiko NAKAO,1 Hiroyuki UMINO,1 Hiroyuki ISSHIKI,1 Nobuo YODA,2 Reiko TACHIHARA,3 Toshie OHUCHI,3 Hideko SARUTA,3 Kunihiko SUZUKI3 and Tomotari MITSUOKA4
1Product Development Department, 2Food Science Institute,Meiji Dairies Corporation, 3Shimura-Omiya Hospital, 4Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
Abstract: The effects of fermented milk whey containing novel bifidogenic growth stimulator (BGS) produced by Propionibacterium on fecal microflora, putrefactive metabolite, defecation frequency and fecal properties were studied in 18 senile volunteers (64-102 yr age) needed serious nursing-care taking enteral nutrition by tube feeding. The test powder food containing 0.4 g/day of freeze-dried BGS were given for 4 weeks. During BGS intake, defecation frequency and fecal quantity were increased significantly, the ratio of color of dark brown and strong odor of feces were decreased significantly. Detection rate of bifidobacteria was increased significantly and the number of Clostridium perfringens was decreased by 2 log. In addition, fecal sulfide concentration and pH were decreased significantly after the intake. These results showed that BGS intake was effective to improve the intestinal environment, defecation frequency and fecal properties in senile men required serious nursing-care taking enteral nutrition by tube feeding.
Key words: Propionibacterium;bifidobacteria;fecal bacteria;putrefactive metabolite